WordPress is popular Platform but for extra functionality you need various plugins. Some plugins need to install immediately after installing WordPress.

Ther are two ways to install WordPress plugins.

Install plugins from WordPress Dashboard:

WordPress dashboard provides two ways to install plugins. Search and Install: This is the easiest way to install any WordPress plugin. Just click on Plugins >Add new. The next screen looks like below image. Here you can search plugin by its name or by Keyword. After selecting plugin click on Install Now Tab. You get a message of successfully installed on the next screen. After installing plugin, Don’t forget to activate.

Do remember Always install the latest updated and compatible with your version of WordPress. 


By upload: WordPress dashboard also has an option of the install plugin by upload. If you have a plugin in zip file provided by third parties, you can install by uploading here. Click on Upload>Choose File and plugin will be installed successfully.


Install Plugin via FTP:

However, WordPress dashboard provides both option to install plugin but FTP is another method to install plugins. You download the plugin from Wp repository or Third Party website. Extract it and upload to your server into “/wp-content/plugin/” folder using FTP software like File Zila or cPanel. You can also upload zip file through CPanel and extract it from CPanel file manager. After uploading don’t forget to activate it from WordPress Dashboard.

If you have any conflict after installing plugin. deactivate it. In case you are unable to login your wp dashboard due to faulty plugin. you can remove it from FTP. Go to your wp installation directory and delete or rename the faulty plugin.

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