PHP Strings

PHP Strings A string is a sequence of characters that’s including letters, numerals, symbols, punctuation marks, etc.The strings can be written within single quotes (e.g. ‘Welcome to Netzole!’) and can also be written within double quotes (“Welcome to Netzole!”)....

PHP Data Types

PHP Data Types PHP data types are used to store different types of data or values like..simple string and a numeric integer. PHP supports several primitive data types that can be categorized below: Integer Boolean String Float Array Object NULL Resource PHP Integers...

PHP Echo and Print Statements

There are two options in PHP to get output: 1. echo and 2. print. PHP echo vs print In this tutorial, we learn how to get output through the echo or print with the help of example. So, this chapter cover all info about those two output statements, which is given...

PHP Variables

PHP Variables Variables are used in containers or you can say store data at runtime. And variable starts with the $ sign followed by variable name. Conditions for PHP variables: Variables of PHP starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable PHP variable...

PHP Syntax and PHP Comments

PHP Syntax and PHP Comments In this PHP tutorial first we start PHP Syntax after that we start PHP Comments.   Let’s Start PHP Syntax A PHP code starts with <?php and ends with ?>. This PHP code can be placed anywhere in the document. PHP codes file...

How to Download & Install PHP Step by Step Guide

In this tutorial, we learn how to install PHP on windows and how to install PHP with XAMPP. Install Wampserver or XAMPP on your Desktop to quickly create your First web applications with Apache, PHP and a MySQL database.   Download latest version of PHP from...

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