8 Best Website Builders in 2025

Online presence is the most important for any business. You can hire a website development company to create the website for your business. that will cost you a lot but you may also build the website without having any coding knowledge with the help of website...

How to change WordPress login URL

Do you want to change the default wp-admin URL of WordPress? WordPress has a default login URL yoursite.com/wp-admin that is not better for security purposes. Anyone can access the login page by this URL. The default URL is the main target of brute force attacks....

WooCommerce Shortcodes

Woocommerce is one of the top-rated plugins that used to convert any WordPress site into an eCommerce site. It comes with several pre-defined functions. We can use these functions with the help of using shortcodes into any page or post. Woocommerce has all of the...

How to Add an Admin User in WordPress using FTP

It is very frustrating if you lose access to your site backend. If you forget your username or you are fixing hacked WordPress site and need to regain access to the WordPress backend. You can access the backend by resetting the password or by creating a new admin user...

CSS Pseudo classes

What is CSS Pseudo classes A CSS pseudo class is applied, where we want to explain a particular state of an element. For better understanding where we use “CSS Pseudo-classes” let us see some given examples: Define the style of an element when a user...

CSS Combinators

A CSS combinator is connected two selectors in a way that explains them a useful relationship to each other. Today we will discuss that there are mainly four different types of combinators in CSS: descendant selector (space) child selector (>) adjacent sibling...

HTML id Attribute

The HTML id attribute is a unique characteristic, which is used to specify the HTML element or document. In CSS, the id is define by the symbol of #. HTML id attribute Syntax Let’s see the id syntax, which is given below: <HTML element...

HTML Image

The HTML Image HTML <img> tag is defined to exhibit an image on the web page. This tag is an empty tag that covers attributes only. In HTML image element closing tags are not used. HTML Image element adds extra beauty to the webpages and explained many complex...

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